Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cecilia and the angel ariel

On a Christmas night, Skotbu Cecilia, a young girl could only lay weakly on her bed, he suffered a severe disease that is feared will not be cured. He can not spend Christmas Eve with his family. Cecilia angry at God for the suffering they experienced. He considered that God was not fair. Then, suddenly, at midnight, a miracle happened: an angel named Ariel came to comfort him. Dialogue ensued between the two. Over time, woven intimacy between Cecilia and Ariel. Both then agreed to share their stories. Cecilia had to tell about the world and how it feels to be human, in return, Ariel will tell you about heaven and how it feels to be an angel.

They start telling each other. Ariel always wanted to know how it feels to be human, how the human eye can see, the ear can hear, the tongue can taste, the nose can smell, the skin can feel the touch, and mind can remember and dream. In the view of Ariel, all these senses the man is a creation of the great and enigmatic-tekai, especially the human mind. Ariel said, "In their minds, humans can do all the things you can do the angels with their bodies. When you're dreaming or imagining, you can do in your head all the things you can do the angels in the whole universe. "

As is often the stories of Jostein Gaarder, there are philosophical and theological dimensions expressed through simple stories. Reading the narrative Ariel to Cecilia, we will become aware how precious our time on earth, and how not ternilainya human creation with all its senses. A creation, the angels do not have it. In one part, Ariel said: "I do not know it had a body of flesh and blood. I do not know it was like growing. I do not know it was eating, cold, or a beautiful dream. "

Similar stories with similar plots, there are only two possible final resolution: the main characters meet death with a different feeling than before, or the main character miraculously freed from death, and living life with a new outlook. So, how is the fate of Cecilia? Jostein Gaarder concocted the story of human encounter with an angel in dying has become more interesting and reflective-inspiring through the dialogues between Cecilia and Ariel, which represent two opposite poles are trying to spell each other. These Dialogues will find, rather than just the story plot. Dialogues between Cecilia and Ariel, uncover many secrets, a dialogue that represent humans and angels, the earth and sky, world and heaven.

Every time you've done a dialogue with Ariel, Cecilia wrote in his Diary China, as though to conclude what has been discussed with Ariel. Some of the sentences he wrote was: "Every second, new babies come from God's jacket sleeve. Voila! Every second Besides, there are people who disappeared. OUT unspoken mantra, then you too should come out ... not that we come into the world. Dunialah that come to us. Born awarded synonymous with the entire world. "

Jostein description angel figure in this story is not the same as the figure of angels in general are imaged as high a large and wings. Angel Ariel bersosok small, even smaller than the body of Cecilia, a plain head with no hair, smooth hairless bodied, and even wingless. Regarding this, Ariel replied: "Birds need to fly because their wings are made of flesh and blood. We are made of spirit, so we do not need wings to move in this universe. "

About special children's minds, Ariel said: "They (adults), considered the world as being mediocre. Create the angels in heaven, this world is not something casual, even if we lived throughout eternity. We are still amazed to see what God has created. Besides, he himself was amazed. Therefore, he prefers the little boy who wanted to know than to think of all the adults who knowingly. "

Reading the story of Cecilia, we find many things that we can contemplate. Cecilia FAQ-Ariel is a simple but intriguing consciousness and our thinking, it must be understood as a curiosity will be the secret of the universe, including the secret of life itself. Thought about it, we'll be made aware of human greatness and perfection of creation, the universe, and all entities included. And may be, this present life, in this world, is heaven itself.

Title: Cecilia & Angel Ariel
Original title: Through a Glass, Darkly
Author: Jostein Gaarder
Translator: Andytias Prabantoro
Publisher: Mizan, December 2008
Thickness: 211 pages

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